Með því að smella á „Samþykkja“ staðfestir þú að vafrakökur séu geymdar í tækinu þínu til að auka notendaupplifun, greina notkun síðunnar og aðstoða við markaðsstarf okkar. Skoðaðu persónuverndarstefnu okkar fyrir frekari upplýsingar.
Skilmálar um notkun á vafrakökum
Þegar þú heimsækir vefsíður gætu þær geymt eða sótt gögn í vafrann þínn með vafrakökum (e. cookies). Þetta er oft nauðsynlegt fyrir grunnvirkni vefsíðunnar. Vafrakökurnar gætu verið notaðar til markaðssetningar, greiningar eða til að sérsníða síðuna, t.d. til að geyma kjörstillingar þínar.

Persónuvernd er okkur mikilvæg. Þess vegna hefur þú möguleika á að slökkva á ákveðnum tegundum af vafrakökum sem eru ekki nauðsynlegar fyrir grunnvirkni vefsíðunnar. Þessi útilokun getur haft áhrif á upplifun þína af vefsíðunni.
Stjórnun á vafrakökum eftir flokkum
Alltaf virkt
Þessar vafrakökur eru nauðsynlegar fyrir grunnvirkni síðunnar.
Þessar vafrakökur eru notaðar til að birta auglýsingar sem eiga betur við þig og áhugamál þín. Þær geta einnig verið notaðar til að mæla árangur auglýsingaherferða eða takmarka fjölda skipta sem þú sérð auglýsingar. Markaðsfyrirtæki setja þær inn með leyfi rekstraraðila vefsíðunnar.
Persónulegar stillingar
Þessar vafrakökur gera vefsíðunni kleift að muna stillingarnar þínar (svo sem notendanafn, tungumál eða svæði) og veita betri og persónulegri upplifun.
Þessar vafrakökur hjálpa rekstraraðila vefsíðunnar að fylgjast með virkni síðunnar, hvernig gestir nota hana og hvort það komi upp tæknileg vandamál. Þessar vafrakökur safna ekki upplýsingum sem auðkenna gesti.

GLEN Webinar - Communicating the arts

Throughout this third GLEN webinar, we'll delve into the diverse array of tools, stakeholders, and mediums that are essential for effective communication within the realm of live performances, theater, dance, and more. Whether you're an actor, dancer, musician, or involved in any aspect of the performing arts, mastering communication is key to engaging your audience, collaborating with fellow artists, producers, curators, and programmers as well as navigating the performing arts landscape. Join us as we explore tools like networking, pitching, artist statements, presentations and portfolios and match them with stakeholders and presenting situations.

With Barbara Poček, Glej Theatre’s artistic board member and international development manager

Kristina Savickienė, Artistic Director of the Vilnius International Theatre Festival Sirenos

Barbara Poček

Barbara Poček has been collaborating with Ljubljanas Glej theatre since 2010. She is a member of the Glej’s Artistic Council, Programme Coordinator of the TRIGGER platform, and takes care of internationalisation projects, executive production and the Resident Programme. Between 2017 and 2021, she was a member of the Board of Directors of IETM (International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts). She was one of the co-founders of the open platform for the promotion of contemporary illustration, Biennial of Independents (2007-2015) and of the educational platform Design Biotop (2013-2019), which promotes design as a tool for strategic solutions to social and economic challenges. She nurtures an interest in the intersections between different media and disciplines, and therefore maintains a broad spectrum of activities fostering connections between different social and professional communities. In her free time, she is also a photographer and a musician. Between 2015 and 2021 she was a member of the Čipke initiative (an initiative for women with a sense for technology, science and art); where she co-created within the female DYI music collective Kikimore. Since 2021 she has been active in experimental music collective Sujevera.

Kristina Savickienė

Kristina Savickienė is a performing arts manager and producer based in Lithuania. Currently, she is Head of Artistic Management Department in Lithuanian National Drama Theatre, taking care not only of artistic planning, but also educational programmes and international cooperation (since 2017). At the same time she works as Artistic Director of the Vilnius International Theatre Festival Sirenos (since 2019). With a degree in languages and arts management, she started her career in performing arts by working at Arts Printing House/ Menų spaustuvė, the first independent performing arts centre in Lithuania. She also co-established an artistic NGO “Artscape” in 2011, which has since then been working on the crossroads of social cohesion and arts. In 2021 she was one of the founders of Teatro informacijos centras/ Theatre Information Centre Lithuania, which has been working internationally to represent the young generation of Lithuanian theatre artists. Kristina has been a lecturer on arts management at Lithuania Music and Theatre Academy and Vilnius Fine Arts Academy for the years 2013– 2015. Since 2017, Her other professional interests include working as a dramaturg and translator, whereas in her free time she loves painting.

Zoom meeting.

Topic: GLEN webinar #3 - Communicating the arts

Time: Apr 18, 2024 12:00 PM CET

Registration link

Meeting ID: 897 0868 1936

Passcode: GLEN#3