Með því að smella á „Samþykkja“ staðfestir þú að vafrakökur séu geymdar í tækinu þínu til að auka notendaupplifun, greina notkun síðunnar og aðstoða við markaðsstarf okkar. Skoðaðu persónuverndarstefnu okkar fyrir frekari upplýsingar.
Skilmálar um notkun á vafrakökum
Þegar þú heimsækir vefsíður gætu þær geymt eða sótt gögn í vafrann þínn með vafrakökum (e. cookies). Þetta er oft nauðsynlegt fyrir grunnvirkni vefsíðunnar. Vafrakökurnar gætu verið notaðar til markaðssetningar, greiningar eða til að sérsníða síðuna, t.d. til að geyma kjörstillingar þínar.

Persónuvernd er okkur mikilvæg. Þess vegna hefur þú möguleika á að slökkva á ákveðnum tegundum af vafrakökum sem eru ekki nauðsynlegar fyrir grunnvirkni vefsíðunnar. Þessi útilokun getur haft áhrif á upplifun þína af vefsíðunni.
Stjórnun á vafrakökum eftir flokkum
Alltaf virkt
Þessar vafrakökur eru nauðsynlegar fyrir grunnvirkni síðunnar.
Þessar vafrakökur eru notaðar til að birta auglýsingar sem eiga betur við þig og áhugamál þín. Þær geta einnig verið notaðar til að mæla árangur auglýsingaherferða eða takmarka fjölda skipta sem þú sérð auglýsingar. Markaðsfyrirtæki setja þær inn með leyfi rekstraraðila vefsíðunnar.
Persónulegar stillingar
Þessar vafrakökur gera vefsíðunni kleift að muna stillingarnar þínar (svo sem notendanafn, tungumál eða svæði) og veita betri og persónulegri upplifun.
Þessar vafrakökur hjálpa rekstraraðila vefsíðunnar að fylgjast með virkni síðunnar, hvernig gestir nota hana og hvort það komi upp tæknileg vandamál. Þessar vafrakökur safna ekki upplýsingum sem auðkenna gesti.

Translation Grants

Who can apply?

In order to apply for this grant, you must be a director, producer of the play in Iceland or a representative of the theatre/festival who will take care of the translation of the play.


What is the goal of translation grants and what is funded?

The aim of translation grants is to generate interest, increase visibility and demand for Icelandic plays and stage works abroad.

Translation grants are provided to support translations of original Icelandic plays into other languages. The play must have been premiered in Iceland before applying for translation.

You can also apply for a grant for a subtitle of Icelandic stage work for a performance outside Iceland.

Please note that the Performing Arts Centre does not fully fund translations.

The condition for the grant is that the translation is made directly from Icelandic and that there is a willingness to present the work abroad. It is desirable that the translator has the language translated into the native language.

Support for adaptation or production costs is not covered by this grant.

Translation grants from the Performing Arts Centre of Iceland are awarded twice a year. You can apply in February and September.

How and who evaluates the application?

The Advisory Board of the Performing Arts Centre is appointed by representatives from SAFAS - Consultation Forum of Professional Associations in the Performing Arts. Applications are evaluated according to how they meet the translation grants criteria of generating interest, increasing the visibility and demand for performing arts outside Iceland.

Main representatives:
Adalbjörg Árnadóttir
Andri Björn Róbertsson
Rebekka Ingimundardóttir

Deputy representatives:
Friðþjófur Þorsteinsson
Tinna Grétarsdóttir
Þóra Einarsdóttir

What should be included in the application?

In order for the application to be considered, the following data and information must be included.

The application must be accompanied by a declaration of intent from a venue or producer outside Iceland for the performance of a play.
Script of the play in Icelandic.
Confirmation by the author of the permission for translation and the author's consent to the translator of the work.
Translator's CV.
Signed contract with the translator of the work.

When do I get an answer and how do I get awarded a grant?

Responses to applications for translation grants will be received by e-mail no later than 4 weeks after the deadline for applications.

70% of the grant is awarded at the beginning of a work and 30% when a copy of a fully translated manuscript has been returned to the Performing Arts Centre Iceland.

The translation shall be completed within 6 months of the grant.

Performing Arts Centre Iceland undertakes to treat all data related to applications as completely confidential.

Final Submission

The completed translation must be submitted to the Stage Art Centre for confirmation of the end of the project.

When the play is accepted for exhibitions abroad, a notification must be received at the Performing Arts Centre.

We note that new applications cannot be submitted until a translation has been submitted.