Með því að smella á „Samþykkja“ staðfestir þú að vafrakökur séu geymdar í tækinu þínu til að auka notendaupplifun, greina notkun síðunnar og aðstoða við markaðsstarf okkar. Skoðaðu persónuverndarstefnu okkar fyrir frekari upplýsingar.
Skilmálar um notkun á vafrakökum
Þegar þú heimsækir vefsíður gætu þær geymt eða sótt gögn í vafrann þínn með vafrakökum (e. cookies). Þetta er oft nauðsynlegt fyrir grunnvirkni vefsíðunnar. Vafrakökurnar gætu verið notaðar til markaðssetningar, greiningar eða til að sérsníða síðuna, t.d. til að geyma kjörstillingar þínar.

Persónuvernd er okkur mikilvæg. Þess vegna hefur þú möguleika á að slökkva á ákveðnum tegundum af vafrakökum sem eru ekki nauðsynlegar fyrir grunnvirkni vefsíðunnar. Þessi útilokun getur haft áhrif á upplifun þína af vefsíðunni.
Stjórnun á vafrakökum eftir flokkum
Alltaf virkt
Þessar vafrakökur eru nauðsynlegar fyrir grunnvirkni síðunnar.
Þessar vafrakökur eru notaðar til að birta auglýsingar sem eiga betur við þig og áhugamál þín. Þær geta einnig verið notaðar til að mæla árangur auglýsingaherferða eða takmarka fjölda skipta sem þú sérð auglýsingar. Markaðsfyrirtæki setja þær inn með leyfi rekstraraðila vefsíðunnar.
Persónulegar stillingar
Þessar vafrakökur gera vefsíðunni kleift að muna stillingarnar þínar (svo sem notendanafn, tungumál eða svæði) og veita betri og persónulegri upplifun.
Þessar vafrakökur hjálpa rekstraraðila vefsíðunnar að fylgjast með virkni síðunnar, hvernig gestir nota hana og hvort það komi upp tæknileg vandamál. Þessar vafrakökur safna ekki upplýsingum sem auðkenna gesti.

Travel Grants of Performing Arts Centre Iceland

Closed for applications

Applications for travel grants are closed. Next round opens in May 2025.

Closed for applications
Who can apply?

Applicants must have an Icelandic social security number and work as professionals in the performing arts. If only part of the participants in a project meet this requirement and a significant part do not, emphasis must be placed on how the project contributes to the strengthening of Icelandic performing arts life.

Travel grants are intended for self-employed performing artists and do not support projects produced by public institutions or private institutions run with public funding.

What is the goal of travel grants and what is supported?

Grants are awarded to performing artists on performance tours abroad or participating in events abroad that aim to arouse interest, increase visibility and demand for performing arts outside of Iceland.

The Iceland Performing Arts Center's travel grants are awarded three times a year and open for applications in January, May and September. The grant amount is ISK 75,000 for trips within Europe and ISK 100,000 for trips outside Europe.

A maximum of ISK 600,000 is awarded for each project.

What is not supported:
- Participation in workshops (residencies)
- Participation in courses or study tours
- Participation in foreign projects that are entirely produced and supported by foreign sources.

How and who evaluates the application?

The advisory board of the Performing Arts Centre is made up of representatives from SAFAS - the Consultation Forum of Professional Associations in the Performing Arts. Applications are evaluated according to how they fit the objectives of travel grants to arouse interest, increase visibility and demand for performing arts outside of Iceland.

Principal representatives:
Rebekka A. Ingimundardóttir
Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir
Ólafur Kjartan Sigurdarson

Deputy representatives:
Friðþjófur Þorsteinsson
Aðalbjörg Árnadóttir
Þóra Einarsdóttir

What should be included in the application?

Applications are made online.

In the application, information about the applicant, project, participants, purpose and arrangements for the tour must be specified.

An invitation letter from a performance venue or festival must accompany the application or other documents that confirm the participation of a performing arts company at a festival or other events that aim to increase the number of opportunities and increase the visibility of the performing arts group in question.

A budget for the planned trip must accompany the application, otherwise it will not be considered. Please note that a budget is not requested for the production of the show, only income and expenses related to travel. Please fill in the budget that can be downloaded HERE and attach it to the application.

Apply Here
When will I receive an answer and how will I receive the grant?

Answers to applications for travel grants are sent by e-mail no later than 4 weeks after the application deadline.

The travel grant is transferred upon time of allocation. Application must be received before the event takes place. The Performing Arts Centre undertakes to treat all data related to applications as strictly confidential.

If a trip is cancelled, it must be reported to the Performing Arts Centre and the grant will then be cancelled.

Final Report

The final report must be submitted within 2 months of the end of the trip.

The report is completed online on Google Forms and can be accessed below.

The final report must include a brief summary of the tour and how it achieved the goals of the travel grants, information on the number of performances and the number of spectators, and photo(s) from the tour for public display.

Please note that new applications cannot be submitted if the final report has not been submitted by the deadline.

Final Report Online